PSI Parking Garages

As a regular part of your building maintenance responsibilities, you must also ensure that your parking garage is kept clean. Many commercial building owners often neglect this important maintenance task, which results in poor first impressions for employees, visitors, or tenants. Additionally, a dirty parking garage can also be unsafe, and the last thing you…

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Don’t Let Your Concrete Pose a Safety Issue!

If you’re really in a mood to stress yourself out, take a gander at slip-and-fall statistics for commercial properties. The results are alarming – but they also highlight the need to keep your visitors, yourself, and your property protected from these mishaps. Know the risk of dirty concrete Poorly maintained concrete can be a contributor to slip…

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Parking Garage Maintenance: More Important than Ever!

Many parking structures throughout the United States are made of concrete, and for good reason: it’s a durable, inexpensive material that lasts for many years. Over time, however, even the strongest concrete is susceptible to breakage, especially if it isn’t professionally maintained. Let’s look at a few reasons why it’s necessary to get professional parking…

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Parking Garage Cleaning for Slip and Fall Safety

Every year, more than 1 million people are admitted to the emergency room because of a slip and fall accident. These injuries aren’t just traumatic; they’re a serious liability. Regular parking garage cleaning and hardscape maintenance is a simple way to protect your property, your employees, and your customers from these accidents. Understanding the risk…

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