Our Soft House Washing service is your Instant Home Makeover! Built-up dirt, grime, dust, airborne pollutants, mold & mildew negatively impact the beauty and overall curb appeal of your home’s exterior. You will be happy to know that you do not need new siding to fix the problem!
Soft House Washing delivers beautiful “like new” cleaning results without the risk of damage to your home or property found with old and outdated “high pressure” exterior house washing methods. We use a combination of hot water, low-pressure, and professional-grade detergents to thoroughly and efficiently clean your home.
Soft House Washing is custom-tailored to safely & effectively clean all siding types.
Brick pavers give your property a unique richness that you treasure. And so it is only natural that special care is taken to preserve the beauty of your home’s brick paver surfaces with our professional Brick Paver Cleaning service.
Our brick paver resanding service utilizes a special polymeric sand to reduce moss and weed growth. We can restore the original rich, colorful look to your brick pavers so you can go on enjoying their beauty for years to come!
Experience the difference Hot Water washing can make for you! Your home’s concrete surfaces take a heavy beating all year long. For this very reason an equally powerful cleaning method is required to restore them to a bright, clean, and like new condition.
Our hot Water pressure washing for exterior concrete and cement surfaces like Driveways, Sidewalks, Patios, Porches, & Pool Decks is the only method you can count on to remove unsightly stains, streaks and discolorations, including dirt, grime, oil, grease, rust, and more!
Maintain the beauty & elegance a wood deck brings to your home. Your home’s outdoor wooden structures (decks, fences, gazebos) enhance the beauty and value of your property. But left neglected they all too easily become an eyesore.
Let us help you maintain the beauty & integrity of your outdoor wooden structures with our professional Wood Restoration.
Our Soft House Washing service is your Instant Home Makeover! Built-up dirt, grime, dust, airborne pollutants, mold & mildew negatively impact the beauty and overall curb appeal of your home’s exterior. You will be happy to know that you do not need new siding to fix the problem!
Soft House Washing delivers beautiful “like new” cleaning results without the risk of damage to your home or property found with old and outdated “high pressure” exterior house washing methods. We use a combination of hot water, low-pressure, and professional-grade detergents to thoroughly and efficiently clean your home.
Soft House Washing is custom-tailored to safely & effectively clean all siding types.
Brick/paver restoration
Brick pavers give your property a unique richness that you treasure. And so it is only natural that special care is taken to preserve the beauty of your home’s brick paver surfaces with our professional Brick Paver Cleaning service. Our brick paver resanding service utilizes a special polymeric sand to reduce moss and weed growth. We can restore the original rich, colorful look to your brick pavers so you can go on enjoying their beauty for years to come!
Ideal for Brick Paver Driveways, Walkways, Patios, Porches & more!
Experience the difference Hot Water washing can make for you! Your home’s concrete surfaces take a heavy beating all year long. For this very reason an equally powerful cleaning method is required to restore them to a bright, clean, and like new condition.
Our Hot Water Pressure Washing for exterior concrete and cement surfaces like Driveways, Sidewalks, Patios, Porches, & Pool Decks is the only method you can count on to remove unsightly stains, streaks and discolorations, including dirt, grime, oil, grease, rust, and more!
Deck & Fence Cleaning
Maintain the beauty & elegance a wood deck brings to your home. Your home’s outdoor wooden structures (decks, fences, gazebos) enhance the beauty and value of your property. But left neglected they all too easily become an eyesore. Let us help you maintain the beauty & integrity of your outdoor wooden structures with our professional Wood Restoration.
Wood Restoration services include Cleaning, Brightening & Sealing. Ideal for outdoor decks, fences, gazebos, arbors, furniture & more!

Why PSI Pressure Washing?
- Extensive on-the-ground experience
- Leading power washing technology
- Easy, no-obligation free estimates
- Budget-friendly solutions
- A fully licensed & insured team
- 100% satisfaction guaranteed
Frequently asked questions
Please Contact Us If You Cannot Find An Answer To Your Question.
Yes, our number one concern is for the safety of your family, pets and property. Our detergents are biodegradable and specifically formulated for use on all exterior surfaces.
Yes, we carry a $2 Million general liability policy along with workers comp on all employees plus an additional $3 Million umbrella policy.
The time between cleanings depends on the surfaces being cleaned, the surrounding vegetation, and the weather. Ideally, we suggest once a year to keep everything looking clean and to prevent contamination build up.
Yes. After just a few simple questions we will provide you with a quote. If you are interested in more than one service, that would require a visit to your property. We love meeting all of our customers and would be happy to do an in person quote for you!
Yes, we can. Just check out our 5 star rating on Google and Facebook!
All of our technicians are thoroughly trained and put through an extensive training course for several weeks before actually working on a customer's house. We only hire awesome people that care about your property and provide the best customer service!